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Диалог и управление конфликтом

The environment of management constantly varies, and requirements to managers increase. Changes cause a pressure and resistance for many people and organizations. Feature of coaching consists of orientation on positive and directed changes. Such approach provides decrease a level of resistance and warning of employees of the organization in situation of expectation of changes. The primary goal of the manager-coach is organization to changes for development not only organization, but also a personnel.
     To plan and support to the changes directed on development of the organization, it is possible only through activation of awareness of initiated process by personnel. It allows the head to model the internal organizational environment purposefully.
     When the head initiates changes, he should concentrate the efforts on regular changes of operating conditions, as start point of process, and on changes of behavior of employees, as the key factor influencing changes in the organization. On the other hand, negative changes of behavior not necessarily lead to negative changes of the organization as there is a process of adaptation of employees to carried out changes.
     Really, people is important resource, which provides development of the enterprise and which is in each organization. Corporative cultures, specific of motivation and training of the personnel of each organization are different. Coaching is modern approach in management of the personnel, which allows to create such internal environment of the organization which not «using employees », and induces to self-training and self-development.
     Speed of changes constantly increases, and realization of innovations appears for a survival of the majority of companies is the critical factor.
     Many organizations meet with a following dilemma. Workers want, that all remains without changes, and it is necessary for organization to adapt, carry out innovations and continuously to develop.
     The model of changes is a way of representation of innovative process, structure which helps us to realize changes and to promote them.
     Psychologists of Psychology Department of Coaching from the Sydney University have established, that three models in the greatest measure promote understanding of an essence of changes from a position of coaching [1]:
• The theory of a field of K.Levin (1947);• Transit model of change of U.Briges (1986);
• Transtheoretical model of change of D.Prohazki and K.D. Кlemente (1982).
     One of aspects of the theory of K.Levin - the analysis of a field - has been developed in 1947, it’s very important for coaching. Basics of this model are those [1]:
1. Social systems, and the organizations including, usually prefer a condition of balance.
2. Change is possible only in that case when motive powers accrue (for example, the new personnel, change of the market, new technology) or when constraining forces (for example, fear of the separate person before failure, inertia of the organization) decrease.
3. Change occurs, when balance between driving and constraining forces is broken.
4. After change system aims of balance.
     To use K.Levin's model in management of the conflict, follows to lead audit of all forces; to separate complex situations into components; to use visual representations; to have a simple plan of action; "to fix” a new situation.
     This model presents, as a whole, a mechanical point of view at change. It can be useful, when the manager has confused and not clear situation. K.Levin's model is a way of supervision over an event.
     According to Transit model of change of U.Briges, any transition, even from bad to good, whether it be career, refusal of a bad habit, etc., begin with the finished something. At any kind of changes something is lost. If the manager understands it, can promote the employees in overcoming feelings of grief and loss which accompany the majority ending. Sometimes simply enough to recognize presence of such feelings. This model helps to manager to understand the reasons of negative emotions of personnel in situation of changing, their emotional resistance and conflict behavior.
     The model James Prohazka and K.D. Кlemente reflects cylices of changes and represents them as the process consisting of separate stages. If manager knows, at what stage there is a person, he can helps him to realize and accept changes. Hi can use technology of coaching, system of effective and clear questions for understanding targets and creating the best strategies of development.
     It is always heavily to leave a zone of comfort even if changes are desirable. Sometimes the person is afraid of the future changes only because it should be defined with the purpose, the aim. If the manager will overcome resistance (for example in a situation, when it is not enough time), the employee who does not wish to move ahead, will be compelled to protect the position. This protection can become the conflict. In this situation skills of conducting democratic dialogue are necessary [2]. As a basis for development of these skills the technology of coaching can be very useful.
     When the manager uses concrete models of change, hi creates the structure of the work on support of organizational changes. Use of models of change in complex with coaching with the personnel considerably raises efficiency of innovative processes in the organization. Each model is used the specific situation. K.Levin's model is useful, when the situation is confused and not clear. U.Briges's model is effective in work with emotional components of change. D.Prohazka and K.D. Кlemente model use when the personnel is in a condition of reflections and doubts of necessity of changes.
     So, changes make a necessary basis of organizational development, and should be considered as a natural condition of the spontaneous organization.
     Resistance to changes from the personnel is operated process. Therefore the important component at support of organizational changes is use of tools caching-technology, allowing to minimize or remove resistance of the personnel and to reorient on achievement of objects in view.


1. The Grant, E. Coaching of Decision-making. - SPb, 2005.
2. Dauny, M. Effective Coaching.- Moscow, 2005.
3. Lutens, F. Behavior in Organization. - Мoscow, 1999.
4. Witmor, G. Coaching is New style of Management of the Personnel.- Moscow, 2001.
3. Blak S., Margulies N. An Ideological Perspective on Participation: A Case for Integration, Jornal of Organizational Change Management, vol. 2, no. 1, 1989.
4. Burke W., Litwin G. A Casual Model of Organizational Perfomance and Change, Jornal of Management, vol. 18, no. 3, 1992

Категория: Статьи членов ISPA | Добавил: dashka_magic (06.11.2013) | Автор: Шаталина М.А.
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